So here are two version of purple tone orchid bunga telur which i call 'THE INDIGO FLAMINGO'

The good thing with giving pet names to your design is that it helps you to remember each and everyone of it without getting your brain to think hard trying to figure which to recall . It does the same thing to my bunga telur gantung collection. When i get inquiries about my products, even my dear client were smart enough to refer the products by it's petname. Rather than having the product coded in such complicated jumble up alphabets and numbers, petname works well for me and my dear clients. I can accurately picture what my client is requesting eventhough communication is through call/ sms!
So, till next time...
Take Care, Nani
p/s: do u guys petname your car? mine is baby perarri...yes, because my car is red..wonder what your's are!